Twitter announces acquisition of Posterous to diversify platform

Updated on 13-Mar-2012

Twitter has announced it will be acquiring Posterous, a blogging and content sharing platform with 15 million users that is a direct competitor to the more popular Tumblr. The Posterous Spaces, the socially connected sharing service, will “remain up and running without disruption,” and will be accessible via the web, e-mail, or its mobile app.

Posterous had stood apart from its competition, by offering such features as email posting and tagging, autopost, and group blogging. Announcing the acquisition on a company blog post, Twitter said:

“[Posterous] has built an innovative product that makes sharing across the web and mobile devices simple–a goal we share. Posterous engineers, product managers and others will join our teams working on several key initiatives that will make Twitter even better.”

Users who would want to move away from the Posterous platform, will be provided with “clear instructions” for migrating or backing up their content in the next few weeks. Twitter is likely to rebrand Posterous as well, and so far, only Posterous Spaces will probably survive the deal, with Twitter users using it to share and display tweets and social content, or even group tweet in a defined space.

Posterous CEO and co-founder, Sachin Agarwal, had spoken last year about bringing paid services to the platform. Those plans do not seem likely any longer however, under Twitter’s wings.

Source: CNET

Abhinav Lal

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