Toyota shows off the FV2 mood sensing Concept at Tokyo Motor Show

Toyota shows off the FV2 mood sensing Concept at Tokyo Motor Show

The automobile giant says this is the idea of a "fun to drive" car. The best part is, the car can sense the driver's mood.

Toyota and fun cars may not usually be in the same sentence, most of the time. But, from what the Japanese automobile giant has shown off at the 43rd edition of the Tokyo Motor Show, some bit of fun seems to be coming into their design philosophy. At least that is what the FV2 concept shows.

The FV2 is essentially a pod with a diamond-shaped wheel array, somewhat akin to the three-wheelers that we frequently encounter on this country’s roads. What powers the wheels has not been revealed, but you can bet big on an electric motor of some sort. Toyota says that the interactive technology of the vehicle, from the Toyota Heart Project, allows it to understand the driver’s mood at that given point, and suggest possible destinations. Any interaction between driver and car is shown in an augmented reality display on the windshield. Additionally, the FV2 will also change exterior colors and patterns to accurately depict the driver’s mood. Well, if it can become adequately red when I am driving, on most days, that should keep some idiots away!

Rather than using a steering wheel, the Toyota FV2 is operated by the driver shifting his or her body to intuitively move the vehicle forward and back, left and right. A full body joystick experience should be good exercise for a few people!


Toyota also says that the FV2 can communicate with other cars in the area, and will provide the driver will advance warning about cars in blind spots at intersections.

There is no word yet on when and if at all the FV2 will go into full-time production. But, if it does, this could be a rather neat way of getting from home to work, and back.

Vishal Mathur

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