Thin clients For Small And Medium Businuss

Narang Medical Limited is a leading manufacturer and exporter of medical supplies, surgical instruments, hospital equipment, laboratory products, and diagnostics. Located in New Delhi, the firm’s office has about 25 thin clients.  

“There has been a great investment utilisation.”

Parveen Narang
Narang Medical Ltd

“We have been using thin clients for the past one year and I must say I am happy with the way things have turned out. My employees, too, seem quite satisfied because as far as they are concerned, nothing has really changed except for the better. They still use all the applications they used to, and it’s faster, too. For the kind of applications we use – Tally, MS Office, IE, and IIS, I think thin clients are most appropriate. There have been no complaints of different performance on different systems – all the clients run at the same high speed. We have a server with two dual-core processors, 4 GB of RAM, and RAID 0 1 protection. Everybody has equal access to these resources from their systems.

“And look at what we have gained. “The data being centralised, management has become far easier”. Software updates takes place only on the server. The administrative staff no longer need to run about to every PC to fix a system or an application every now and then. Virus protection has also gotten a lot better, as software updates have to be done only on the server. Moreover, we now have only the server to back up. Due to better organisation, maintenance costs have been brought down, and is under better control.

“There have been some even more direct cost benefits, as the workstations themselves are scaled down and so are far cheaper. No hard disk, no CD, no DVD on the clients. Expensive peripherals like printers and scanners have also been centralised, cutting down on costs. We now have a UPS connected only to the server. I do not need to buy expensive workstations for each additional staff. I can use old, outdated systems as thin clients. The old 10 Mbps hub is usable again. There has been a great investment utilisation.

“Things have been pretty stable, except for when installation and testing was going on. We had some teething problems then, but it’s been nice and smooth since. A setup without thin clients is simply unthinkable for us. For similar setups, I believe thin clients are the way to go. “

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