Updated on 01-Jul-2005
Geeks are always on the lookout for a deal, and, spend a lot of time and effort looking for one. Sad thing is, they don’t often get one. is an answer to their prayers.

However, before you head straight for the Internet, let me tell you – this site is currently delivering only in the United States. So, it’s time to beg those uncles and aunts who are on their way from the US, and plead them to get you your dream gadget(s). But if you don’t have a friend/relative abroad, still this is a site you must simply visit to keep track of all the great deals and offers.

Build Your PC
It’s simple. You have a budget and you have a requirement. Putting the two together is as good as having a sunrise at midnight. does just that for you. First of all, decide whether you want the PC for home or office use, and select if you want a desktop or a notebook. Now you’re one a roll!

Select components that fit your price range and needs, a code is generated for your order. The logic behind this selection is that you can come back at a later date and re-order the exact same configuration.

‘Build your PC’ at

Can you ask for more?’s homepage

Here’s a sampler of what’s possible: Choose your hard drive, your motherboard, even your cabinet and fan make! Then get to the memory and choose how much RAM you want, the hard drive capacity and finally, the ports and all. Then for the accessories, choose the keyboard, mouse and your monitor. And if you happen to be buying at the time of a special promotion, you could customise the colours of your computer as well. Now, how about that dazzling red… ?

More Than Just Computers
Did you thing that computers were all that was being retailed on You’re in for a surpirse here! They’ve got digital cameras, cell phones, scanners, LCD monitors, accessories… the works.  What’s even better is that there’s a deal on everything they sell! 

If you are on a really tight budget then ‘Clearance Counter’ is the page to bookmark. From time to time, products that are either limited in supply or ‘open-box specials’, are listed here. Be sure to visit regularly as these are fast moving items.

Some deals are as good as $1,599 (Rs 70,000 approx) for a Toshiba Portege Tablet PC. And no, this is not the one with just the bare minimum, it has all the frills that will catch the fancy of all geeks.

There are also other refurbished products available and again, at a bargain. While the range might not be as varied as with the new products, budget shoppers should find this option handy. But you will need to really look hard for a deal. I found one!

The site also offers tech support and all vendors offer their products with warranty, with all the bells and whistles you would otherwise expect to have.

Look Around
The site, although nicely laid out, is a bit cluttered. Initially, it takes  some time getting used to the layout, which sometimes can be frustrating. This is one of those sites where you would like to get going from the word go, but cannot, since it appears cluttered and little confusing at the outset. But with time, and a bit of pursuance, you’ll get used to it. Don’t worry, its worth the effort!

There are almost 20 links on just the top navigation bar and simply going through all the 20 links to get to know the site can take a while. If, however, you are clear about what you are looking for, chances are you will find it with just one click.

The colours on the site are rather muted and this gives it a sombre appearance. Nevertheless, it also has a soothing effect. You are shopping, remember?

For Budding Geeks
Wait! There’s more. If you are a student (or work for the government in the US for that matter), there is a different microsite for you that has special student discounts, free pre-sales tech support, and, even flexible payment options. Love it?

Yes, there are some more sites that offer similar functions but what we really liked about this site was that it lets you construct your own PC, buy refurbished PCs & prodcuts, and they also have a clearance sale. All this, in addition to the shiny new stuff they have in plenty!

The only real negative with this site, as mentioned, is the fact that you cannot order anything sitting here in India. But hey, a little daydreaming and browsing never hurt anyone, right? Surf away!

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