TANCET 2022 Results Are Out: Direct Link To Check On The Anna University Website

The 2022 TANCET results have been declared by Anna University.
The results can be viewed by logging into TANCET's official sub-domain which is part of the Anna University website.
The results are of the TANCET exams conducted on May 14 and May 15, 2022.
TANCET results are officially available now. So, you can head over to the TANCET official website and download the mark sheet and check percentile scores. As you know, TANCET which stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test is a common entrance test for getting admission across all colleges in Tamil Nadu. The Test is a yearly affair conducted by Anna University and the 2022 exams were held on May 14 and May 15. About a month since then, the TANCET scores are live. The results can be viewed on the official TANCET website.
Here’s how you do that —
How To Check TANCET Results 2022 At Anna University Website
1. Visit www.tancet.annauniv.edu. You’ll see an option called, “To Check The Results, Click Here”. Tap on that. You will be redirected to the official TANCET results page. Due to heavy traffic, the page might be responsive. So, we suggest you keep trying.
2. Enter the login details like email ID and password along with the captcha code.
3. Upon submission, you can view the TANCET results. Download or take a printout of the result.
Also, ensure you keep the hall tickets safely as they would be required in the succeeding admission process. Anna University is only responsible for conducting the TANCET tests and declaring the score cards. The better the results, the better you stand a chance at securing a seat in Master's courses such as MBA, MCA, MTech, ME, MArch, and MPlan courses at leading public colleges in the state of Tamil Nadu. We wish you all the best!
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G. S. Vasan
Vasan is a word weaver and tech junkie who is currently geeking out as a news writer at Digit. View Full Profile