PUBG ban memes and Twitter reactions question the irony of the Taliban banning PUBG in Afghanistan

PUBG ban memes and Twitter reactions question the irony of the Taliban banning PUBG in Afghanistan

Taliban is banning Player’s Unknown Battleground Mobile in Afghanistan. It will be axed in about 3 months' time. This was decided in a recent meeting involving the Ministry of Telecommunication, representatives from the security sector, and the Sharia law enforcement agency. While this isn’t the first thing being outlawed in the country as around 23 million websites have been blocked in the country by the Taliban to date, the reason for banning PUBG may seem ironic to some folks. Well, that happened and we have documented some of those Twitter reactions here.

PUBG ban memes and Twitter reactions 




Now as aforementioned, the Taliban’s ban on PUBG could happen in 90 days’ time. The administration has asked the country’s internet and telecom service providers to take action as per the schedule.

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