Survey reveals social media slowly losing its charm with Indian youth

Survey reveals social media slowly losing its charm with Indian youth

According to a recent survey by Assocham, India’s urban youth is slowly spending less and less time on social networking sites. The survey was conducted on two thousand youngsters in India’s metro cities, aged between 12 and 25.

The report quoted fatigue and health reasons as the biggest reasons for the reduced time spent on social networking sites.

“About 55 percent of all the respondents said they have reduced the time spent on social media websites and are no longer as active as when they had signed up. Nearly 30 percent said they have deactivated or deleted their accounts.”

Delhi had one the highest percent of respondents saying they were spending less time on social networking sites, with nearly 60 percent admitting their interest in such sites was fading.

Are you in that age group? Do let us know if you agree with the findings, and are yourself spending less time on sites like Facebook, Google and Orkut than before. If so, what are your reasons?

Source: TOI

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