Study Reveals: 280 million Google Chrome users have installed dangerous extensions

Study Reveals: 280 million Google Chrome users have installed dangerous extensions

Two recent reports offer contrasting views on the safety of Chrome browser extensions.

According to Google, less than 1% of all Chrome browser extenstion installations include malware.

In contrast, university researchers claim that over a three-year span, 280 million users installed extensions containing malware.

Two recent reports offer contrasting views on the safety of Chrome browser extensions. According to Google, less than 1% of all installations include malware. In contrast, university researchers claim that over a three-year span, 280 million users installed extensions containing malware. Both figures raise concerns about the overall security of these extensions.

Let’s take a close look at the details.

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Study Reveals: 280 million Google Chrome users have installed dangerous extensions

Google’s assertion that “less than 1% of all installs from the Chrome Web Store include malware” might not be as reassuring as intended due to recent findings by researchers from Stanford University and the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, reports Forbes.

Study Reveals: 280 million Google Chrome users have installed dangerous extensions

The study underscores a significant concern regarding security-noteworthy Chrome browser extensions. Between July 2020 and February 2023, over 346 million users installed such extensions.

Even after subtracting 63 million policy violations and three million with vulnerable code, the researchers estimate that there were still 280 million installs of Chrome extensions containing malware.

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Study Reveals: 280 million Google Chrome users have installed dangerous extensions

How to ensure that your Google Chrome extensions are safe

Google recommends several proactive measures for Chrome users to minimise the risks associated with malicious extensions:

1. Review Before Installing: Before installing any new extension, thoroughly read the information provided about the extension and its developer. This step helps in understanding its functionality and assessing potential risks.

2. Uninstall Unused Extensions: Regularly review and uninstall extensions that are no longer in use. Unused extensions can still pose security risks if not updated or monitored.

3. Limit Permissions: Restrict the permissions granted to extensions by limiting the sites where they can operate. This reduces the potential attack surface and limits the impact of any compromised extension.

4. Enable Enhanced Protection Mode: Activate Chrome’s Enhanced Protection mode within the Safe Browsing settings. This mode enhances security by providing protections against phishing attempts, malware, and specifically targets potentially harmful extensions.

Ayushi Jain

Ayushi Jain

Tech news writer by day, BGMI player by night. Combining my passion for tech and gaming to bring you the latest in both worlds. View Full Profile