Stone Becomes Minister On Net

It seems it is possible to become a minister over the Net. Hollywood star Sharon Stone did just that-getting ordained online-in order to officiate at the wedding of two of her friends.

The 46-year-old actress married restaurant owner Michael Bourseau and stylist Brenda Swanson in a ceremony witnessed by actors Jack Nicholson and Robert Wagner.

The event was conducted by Ms Stone at her luxury home in Coldwater Canyon.

Conceived On The Net
Nonu and Cornelia Dragoman, from Medias, Romania, recently had a baby and named him Yahoo, after the Web portal. They’d had a virtual relationship for three months before seeing each other and finally tying the knot. Cornelia said, “We named him Lucian Yahoo, one name after my father and the other from the computer. These were the two elements which guided my life.”

The New-look Bill Gates
After Bill Gates’ visit to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show, rumours are rife that the man is getting a PR makeover. The Microsoft chairman gave his first interview to a blog-Gizmodo-at the show. He also hung out with a couple who won a ‘meet a celebrity’ contest sponsored by Swatch. And most of all, he agreed to be photographed in bed with an Apple laptop.

All this led CNET commentator Jeff Pelline to suggest that Mr Gates has aged and lightened up. Only time will tell whether the apparent softening-up of Bill Gates is permanent, or whether it’s just a Vegas thing.

You In The Mood, Baby?
A team of scientists at Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Israel, has invented a machine that can measure how randy one is feeling. The gadget has been dubbed, rather obviously, the ‘hornometer’, and calculates whether a person is feeling randy. British tabloid The Sun reported that patients are asked to watch erotic videos, along with “films of a non-sexy nature.”

Electrodes attached to their heads read the electrical responses to the images. A computer then analyses the data to measure the patient’s libido levels.
Like we need a machine to figure how sexed up we are feeling. Or someone else, for that matter.

Self-Help Books, Anyone?
Why are you living? This is, of course, the ultimate question. And since you can buy just about anything at eBay, it turns out that you can buy the answer to that question, too. Refer to this issue’s Escape for other weird eBay auctions.
The title of the auction was “Purpose in life-do you need it? Get a Purpose in Life.” It began at just 99 cents. What the seller was offering was what he (or she) desires for his (or her) life. Of course, that may or may not be the same as what you want.

“Do you feel aimless, undirected, and unfulfilled? Do you desire a reason, point and a purpose in your life? If so you have come to the RIGHT auction,” the item description began. And then the details: “the five-year plan for your life,” “five of my best life stories that have givin (sic) me purpose,” and, most important, “a certificate of authenticity signed by me.”

Last time we checked, the bidding had reached $5.50.

The seller is apparently not aware of the thousands of self-help books out there.

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