Recently, the Realme 2 Pro has been launched in India with an upgrade in camera and notch on the top. We are comparing the device with its predecessor the RealMe 2 too see what’s new has been added by the company in its latest device in comparison to its predecessor.
The RealMe 2 Pro is available in two variants in India 4GB/64GB and 6GB/64GB. The smartphone also features a notch on top of the display and comes with an aspect ratio of 19:9. On the other hand, we have the RealMe 2 that comes at a price of Rs 9,490 and sports a dual camera set up at the back. Let’s compare the two smartphones to see whether the upgrade is worth spending your money or not?
The Realme 2 sports a 6.2-inch display that offers a resolution of 720 x 1520 pixels. On the other hand, the RealMe 2 Pro features a slightly bigger 6.3-inch display that offers a resolution of 1080 x 2340 pixels.
When it comes to the processor, the RealMe 2 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 octa-core processor, which is paired with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal memory. On the other side, the RealMe 2 Pro comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 octa-core processor.
As far as the cameras are concerned, the RealMe 2 features a dual 13MP + 2MP rear camera with an 8MP unit on the front. The RealMe 2 Pro comes with a dual 16MP + 2MP rear camera with a 16MP sensor on the front.