Sony has rolled out the successor of the famous ZV-E10 camera with a few upgrades. I am talking about the Sony ZV-E10 II, which has launched in India for Rs 94,990. This new camera uses 26-megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor and Sony’s BIONZ XR image processing engine. Moreover, it will be available for purchase from August 27, 2024, at Sony Centers, Alpha Flagship stores, major electronic retailers, and e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. Now, let me tell you more about it.
Firstly, let’s talk about what the upgrades are. The Sony ZV-E10 II comes with an upgraded autofocus system that includes a 759-point Focal Plane Phase-detection AF, Real-time Eye AF for humans, animals, and birds, and Real-time Tracking. This will keep subjects in sharp focus during photos and videos.
Coming to its hardware, the camera boasts a 26-megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor and Sony’s BIONZ XR image processing engine. This combination will reduce the noise in images and capture high-quality images. Moreover, it also supports an ISO range of 100 to 32000.
If you shoot a lot of videos, the ZV-E10 II supports 5.6K oversampling to produce 4K footage at up to 60fps. Interestingly, it also fixes a major issue in cameras with its Active Mode electronic image stabilisation to reduce shake. Sony has featured a new UI that allows easy switching between horizontal and vertical shooting.
To enhance videos even more, the Sony ZV-E10 II introduces the Cinematic Vlog Setting. These settings will let users capture cinematic videos with one touch. It adjusts the aspect ratio, frame rate, and autofocus speed automatically. It also includes five “Looks” and four “Moods” for a creative experience.
Lastly, its battery allows you to record continuously for up to 195 minutes on a full charge. It also supports fast data transfer with a USB 3.2 Type-C port.