The Indore Police has arrested six people for allegedly duping customers by selling them Reliance Jio SIM cards. These cards are available for free. According to a report by PTI, the group used to collect multiple thumb impressions of genuine customers and use that data, as well as their Aadhar card details to activate another SIM. This second SIM would be sold for anywhere between Rs. 100 and Rs. 1,000 without the need for the buyer to furnish documents.
Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP), Amrendra Singh told PTI that the police has seized 346 Reliance Jio SIM cards. This included 14 pre-activated SIMs and four thumb impression machines. Singh also noted that the role of Reliance Jio’s local representatives are also being investigated. It was noted that investigations are underway to find out if the any of the sold SIM card were used for criminal activities.
Reliance Jio became very popular thanks to its free voice call offers and cheap data rates. This had originally lead to a chaotic few weeks following launch of the company's services, with long queues outside Reliance’s stores. There were also reports of stores running out of Reliance Jio SIM cards. Some users said that some sellers were asking for anything between Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,500 for fast-tracking registrations.