Scientists make memory breakthrough with revolutionary field effect transistors (FET)

Scientists make memory breakthrough with revolutionary field effect transistors (FET)

Scientists from the North Carolina State University have developed what has been considered the holy-grail of computer storage and memory – ‘universal’ memory that both serves as dynamic random access memory and flash storage.

Using double floating-gate field effect transistors, the NCSU team’s prototypic effort will allow memory to switch between static and dynamic modes in a single cycle – without the data getting lost in between. This is due to the second floating gate, which apart from holding bits in a ready to be read state, will also enable them to be frozen into place when a higher voltage is applied. When the power is switched off, it retains the data in place just like flash.

[RELATED_ARTICLE]This combination of both volatile (DRAM) and non-volatile (flash) types of memory in a single unified device is definitely a breakthrough, and can lead to significant cost and power savings from servers to manufacturers and home users, apart from the definite performance improvements – where main memory and storage are one and the same.

Dr. Paul Franzon, one of the lead scientists on the NCSU team, explained the use of two floating-gates:

“Our device is called a double floating-gate field effect transistor (FET). Existing nonvolatile memory used in data storage devices utilizes a single floating gate, which stores charge in the floating gate to signify a 1 or 0 in the device – or one bit of information…By using two floating gates, the device can store a bit in a nonvolatile mode, and/or it can store a bit in a fast, volatile mode – like the normal main memory on your computer.”

Read more from the NCSU abstract, here.


Abhinav Lal

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