Samsung released the Samsung Odyssey Ark last year, and the product made headlines for its unique build, with a 55-inch display in portrait mode that towered over one’s desk. The monitor used mini LED tech to offer a superior display experience. Now, Samsung is all set to announce the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 at CES, which is the official successor to a 49-inch mini LED display with the same name that came out in 2021. The upcoming monitor will have a 57-inch “super ultra-wide curved display.”
The upcoming Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 monitor was teased by AMD during its RDNA 3 event. It announced that this would be the “first 8K ultrawide” monitor. It’s important to note that teh 8K label in this name might be a misnomer – it may lead to readers conjuring images of 8K TVs that have a 7680 x 4320-pixel resolution, which means four times the pixels as 4K. However, the actual resolution is 7680×2160, which means that the aspect ratio is 32:9. This means that the device will have the same horizontal resolution as the 8K UHDTV standard, coupled with the resolution of a 4K display.
Additionally, this monitor may have a 240Hz refresh rate along with a matte coating on the screen. There’s no information regarding whether it will have a Multi View mode.
Samsung has not revealed the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 launch date or its price at this point. But we expect some announcements during CES 2023, which is starting on January 5, 2023.