Samsung is working on an eye-tracking VR headset

Samsung is working on an eye-tracking VR headset

A patent filed by the company suggests that the headset can track movements as well as wearer's facial expressions.

2016 saw new hardware being launched on the VR front and the trend is may continue well into 2017. According to a new patent filed by Samsung, the next generation Samsung VR headsets may have eye tracking capabilities. The patent also reveals that the headset will work in tandem with an external secondary camera, which will help the headset track head movement as well as facial expressions.

According to the patent, Samsung's Gear VR headset will be equipped with an array of new sensors. These include an electrooculographic (EOG) and infrared (IR) sensors, which will be used to track eye movement in. 

If Samsung is indeed working on a headset with such capabilities, it will put the new device right beside the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift VR headsets in terms of capabilities. Further, none of the current generation VR headsets track facial expressions. Although, Oculus did demo the functionality earlier this year and is likely to integrate it into its next VR headset. The patent was filed back in May, and Samsung might showcase the new VR headset alongisde the new Samsung Galaxy S8 lineup next year.

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