PlayStation Move to hit India this month, with Starter pack priced at Rs. 3,650

Updated on 29-Sep-2010


Sony has brought the PlayStation Move platform to India, and it should be available within the month. The pricing has been revealed as well, and everything so far seems attractively priced, especially if you consider the current price of the PS3 console in the Indian market.

  • Move motion-controller – Rs. 2,499
  • Navigation sub-controller – Rs. 1,899
  • Starter bundle (Move controller, Eye camera, Starter disc with Move game demos) – Rs. 3,650

Unfortunately, it looks like you won’t be able to buy the PlayStation Eye camera separately, and so, the PlayStation Move Starter bundle is pretty much mandatory. Numerous Move supporting titles are already available in the market, such as Sports Champions, Kung Fu Rider, and more. Keep in mind that the Navigation sub-controller is not required to enjoy the complete Move experience, as the DualShock Sixaxis controllers you already own can serve the same function. There’s no word of a complete bundle either, one that includes the console along with one DualShock controller, one Move controller, one PlayStation Eye camera, and a game. We suspect it’s just a matter of time. Prices are pretty close to what you’d expect buying it from the United States, so there is an up side after all.

[RELATED_ARTICLE]Speaking about the innovation that Sony has always brought to the table, Atindrya Bose, Country Manager, Sony PlayStation, said: “PlayStation’s heritage is in developing innovative new ways for people to enjoy the platform, beginning with EyeToy where your body became the controller, and continuing with the development of the Buzz! Buzzers and SingStar microphones. PlayStation Move is our most ambitious control system yet, delivering pinpoint accuracy that makes it perfect for enhancing the traditional game experience, yet accessible enough for families and fun seekers to enjoy.”

What do you think Indian PS3 owners? Are the prices tempting enough? Those of you who own the Xbox 360, does the Move entice you enough to want to switch brands? Or are you just waiting for Kinect to arrive? Let us know in the below comments section…

Abhinav Lal

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