Online Psychics Profit

Updated on 26-Mar-2009

Beyond Help

It’s no secret that thanks to the naughty antics of the Big American Corporations, the world is in an economic slump, and fear reigns everywhere. In these tough times, we turn to all those wise investments we made over the years, cut down on our unnecessary expenses, and generally find support in our fellow unfortunate friends and family. In the US, however, people are spamming their online psychics.

On September 30 — the day the madness truly began — Katrina Spears, “Internet medium” came home after an errand to find 30 panicked messages from her clients. Since that day, Spears has found herself inundated with online consultations, reassuring panicked Americans that everything will be all right. And at $3 (Rs 150) a minute, you can bet that she’s telling them every single thing they should be happy about. Another “reader”, Pure Empathy, puts it in better perspective: “People are more depressed, and I can easily make $150 to $200 a day.” And obviously, these big spenders are asking him about their finances, wondering if they’re going to be secure. Their predictions? It’s back to basics, apparently — no more shopping extravagantly for Americans, but things will get better by the middle of next year. Of course you need a $3-a-minute online psychic to tell you this.

The only psychic with intelligent clients, it would seem, is Amaya Elliot — instead of rising, her business dropped by 50 per cent. This makes perfect sense, because in times of economic crisis, intelligent people know that the first thing you do is eliminate extraneous expenses. Like online psychics. And this is the country leading the world’s economic charge?

Oddly enough, none of these psychics expected all this success.


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