One Nation Underwood! Netflix releases House of Cards Season 5 trailer

Updated on 03-May-2017

Netflix subscribers would have received a letter from the White House in their mailboxes announcing the return of President and Mrs Underwood.

House of Cards Season 5 is probably the most anticipated show on Netflix this May. Sadly, we still have 28 days to go before the May 30 premiere of this thoroughly entertaining political drama. Good news is that Netflix has finally revealed the trailer for the show and it’s all about Kevin Spacey A.K.A President Frank Underwood.

Netflix subscribers would have received a letter from the White House in their mailboxes announcing the return of Mr and Mrs Underwood. If you are a pirate, this is what you missed out on –

We thought this was a very cool way of waking up to the new HoC trailer, in which Frank is heard speaking to Claire and declaring his plans to retain the presidency for what sounds like forever! “The American people don’t know what’s best for them, I do. I know exactly what they need,” says Frank. Taking inspiration from the current American administration, are we?

From what we saw in the trailer, looks like a lot of old secrets are about to surface as the Underwoods try and douse multiple fires. Claire cries at a funeral, Frank faces protests, and there’s a possible terror attack on the cards as well. We can’t wait to watch this one. Until then, enjoy this thrilling trailer.

Adamya Sharma

Managing editor, - News Junkie, Movie Buff, Tech Whizz!

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