Nikon patents versatile manual and electronic zoom lens for DSLR video recording

Nikon patents versatile manual and electronic zoom lens for DSLR video recording

It seems that Nikon is working proactively to aid those individuals who like to shoot video with their DSLR cameras. While most DSLR cameras can shoot videos of 720p HD quality or better, a major difference between these cameras and professional (and prosumer) video cameras is that the user of a DSLR has to adjust the lens focus manually while manually zooming, a task that requires unnecessary dexterity and effort, and usually results in some rather blurry and shaky transitions. To make such issues obsolete, Nikon has filed a patent (seen below) for a lens that can be zoomed both manually and electronically, and will presumably be controlled by a zoom rocker on the camera body.

[RELATED_ARTICLE]So while purists would not be happy with a motorized/electronic zoom, they would also not be using a DSLR to shoot videos.

The rest of the DSLR world however, would welcome Nikon’s latest innovation, and we look forward to the technology making its way soon into markets. While Canon fans and common sense advocates will claim this is no mean feat of engineering (and we agree), we’re still happy Nikon is acknowledging the problem and providing a solution.

Abhinav Lal

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