Navman iCN 750

The marriage of GPS units and digicams is a nice innovation that finds use in the Navman iCN 750-a godsend to the absent-minded geek! A 1.3 Megapixel camera allows you to take geo-tagged photos: they hold information about the latitude and longitude of where the photo was shot. And using such a photo, the unit can guide you to that location at a later date!

The brain of the iCN750’s is the SIRF Star III chipset, perhaps the most advanced commercial chipset for GPS triangulation right now. With good holding ability under low signal strengths, the chances of losing tracking under dense trees or high-rises are reduced. This smart circuitry is ably supported by a 4 GB hard disk, which can be used to store maps as well as images shot from the camera. The maps can be used to get route guidance to any location within their range, using the 4-inch high-visibility LCD screen. These maps are 3D, which can be tilted and zoomed to 2D as well.

With Navpix, a service offered by Navman, one can even download geo-tagged images from an online album and use them to navigate to where the image was shot. If you take a wrong turn, you are told how to correct your course; there is voice instruction as well.

Too much guidance may spoil the fun of the trip, but then, for a geek, too many features can only be a good thing!

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