NASSCOM & IAMAI advise TRAI to keep the Net Neutral

NASSCOM & IAMAI advise TRAI to keep the Net Neutral

Both industry bodies have submitted their recommendations to TRAI and have opposed a differential pricing plan.

Industry bodies Nasscom and IAMAI have also joined the very happening Net Neutrality debate in India. In response to TRAI's paper on differential pricing, both Nasscom and IAMAI have submitted their responses, which largely show that both bodies are opposed to the differential pricing plan. Nasscom however, has said that certain exceptions can be made to allow discounted tariffs for internet services. 
In an interview with the Economic Times,  R Chandrashekhar, President of Nasscom said, "The differential pricing issue is important, because it has implications for net neutrality, differential pricing as a blanket enablement is out of question. It should not be done because it will completely erode net neutrality"

As per to IMAI's submission to TRAI, the association said, "IAMAI submits that any pricing mechanism that allows paid or unpaid prioritisation or other discriminatory practices will seriously limit competition, throttle innovation and fundamentally lead to fragmentation of the internet. Such measures should not be allowed in any case," IAMAI said in its submission. Even though both parties condemed the differential pricing plan, neither one mentioned Facebook or Free Basics in their submission. Facebook has been at the center of the Net Neutrality debate as it is believed to violate the principles of a neutral web. It is also believed that the violation of these principles can lead to an environment of bias and favouritism.
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Adamya Sharma

Adamya Sharma

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