Myntra is NOT ditching the app-only strategy, they are just reworking it

Myntra is NOT ditching the app-only strategy, they are just reworking it

Source tell Digit that by re-launching a mobile website, Myntra is just planning to increase traction for their app platform.

Myntra, the online shopping portal had shut down its mobile website earlier this year, kicking off the app-only culture that was later followed by ecommerce platform Flipkart. Now, in what is being sensationalised as a complete "U turn" in the app-only strategy is not what is actually happening. Myntra is resuscitating a mobile website but it is currently doing so to create more traction for its app platform. Sources close to the company told Digit that Myntra's new mobile site is a way of increasing traction on its app platform. Myntra shoppers who visit the mobile platform will be able to see product listings but there will be no ecommerce activity happening through the mobile platform. On finally selecting a product for purchase, users will be directed to download the Myntra app to complete their purchases.
Even though Myntra has not revealed any numbers to show a drop in traffic on the platform, this move to rejoin the mobile website bandwagon comes just a few days after ecommerce platform Flipkart decided to relaunch a mobile site as Flipkart Lite. Sources tell us that Myntra is not looking to convert their mobile site to a full fledged ecommerce website anytime soon. Unlike Flipkart, Myntra is only trying to increase the reach of its app by creating a mobile portal for consumers who are still not on the app and those who lost touch with the platform when it went app-only.

Back in May, Myntra had said that they did expect an initial loss in terms of consumer interest because of their app-only move, but the company seemed confident in regaining the numbers once the roll-out began. While the app-only strategy has resulted in a loss of traffic for Myntra, a platform that for years had operated as website, the company is till not taking that "U-turn," that most media reports are stating. Myntra's mobile site is currently listing only a few popular categories and clicking on any one, re-directs users to the app store on their smartphones, prompting them to install the app. This move can be viewed as a smarter way of increasing app dowloads, instead of one that has backfired. Only time will tell if Myntra can sustain the app-only platform and regain its consumer base. As of now, the panic created by initial reports of the mobile site resurfacing seems to be unwarranted.  

Adamya Sharma

Adamya Sharma

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