Must watch sci-fi films

Must watch sci-fi films

Science fiction as a genre has given us a ton of interesting films with ideas that truly boggle the mind. The genre has seen a rise in popularity back in the 1980s and now has entrenched itself as an important and disitinctive class in the world of cinema. With a growing audience that is willing to open their minds to new and exciting ideas, sci-fi is on a roll. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the must-watch sci-fi films that you should not miss. 


Directed by Ridley Scott, Alien is one of the most celebrated horror/sci-fi films of all time. The story takes place in the far future where a mining space vessel is thrown off course by a rescue beacon on a lonely planet. Once the crew investigate, one of them is infected by an alien and the madness begins. The film also features some of the best practical effects known to man and the horrific creature design by H.R. Geiger still stands the test of time. 

2001: A Space Odyssey

Stanley Kubric’s masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey is a wild and thought-provoking trip through space and the human condition. A complicated film, 2001: A Space Odyssey is the quintessential science fiction story that tracks the course of a spaceship held hostage by a malevolent AI called HAL. It’s not as straight forwards as you think and is more of an allegory of man and his desire for immortality and beyond. A must-watch if you’re a fan of thought-provoking sci-fi. 


A box office hit, Interstellas shows us that deep and affecting films can make a difference. Directed by visionary director, Christopher Nolaa, the film tells the story of a team of astronauts that are leaving Earth in search of habitable planets to where the human race can eventually migrate to because the earth is no longer fit for human habitation. Also, Matthew McConaughey truly delivers the performance of a lifetime in this film. 

The Matrix

When the Matrix first hit theaters back in the day, the film sent many into a frenzy. The Matrix was as much a blockbuster as a thought-provoking film and it shows. To this day, the film is still referenced in popular culture. Starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne, the film changed the way we, as an audience, looked at science fiction. Action-packed fight scenes and visual effects that shaped an entire decade, The Matrix is ​​a must-watch sci-fi film that truly stands the test of time.

Andrew Lu

Andrew Lu

A geek and nerd at heart, I love comic books, horror movies and professional fighting. Yes, I know how insane that sounds. View Full Profile