Mark Zuckerberg to bring Iron Man’s Jarvis to life?

Updated on 04-Jan-2016

The Facebook founder is all set to make his own personal assistant powered by AI. Here's what Zuckerberg has in mind for his 'Jarvis'.

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has had many new year resolutions in the past. According to a recent post by the Facebook creator, his challanges have included- "reading two books every month, learning Mandarin and meeting a new person every day." This year though, Zuckerberg has taken it upon himself to build a personal assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence. Taking cue from the formidable superhero Iron Man, Zuckerberg wrote in a post, "My personal challenge for 2016 is to build a simple AI to run my home and help me with my work. You can think of it kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man." As per Zuckerberg's plan, he will make an attempt to educate himself in the field of AI and then teach his personal assistant to understand his voice and control everything in his home. "Music, lights, temperature and so on. I'll teach it to let friends in by looking at their faces when they ring the doorbell. I'll teach it to let me know if anything is going on in Max's room that I need to check on when I'm not with her. On the work side, it'll help me visualize data in VR to help me build better services and lead my organizations more effectively," said Zuckerberg in the same post.
It is important to note here that Facebook is also the owner of Virtual Reality firm Oculus. So, it could be expected that Zuckerberg's 'Jarvis' will use technology from the same to help the Facebook founder realise his dream. This post could also be a teaser for what Facebook has in store when it comes to the Virtual Reality space. Back in September, Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer, told the Financial Times that Facebook is investing heavily in the VR space, and that they have a multi-year plan for the same.
Zuckerberg did not miss the opportunity of mentioning Free Basics in the same post as well. Talking about his spirit of invention, he wrote, "At Facebook I spend a lot of time working with engineers to build new things. Some of the most rewarding work involves getting deep into the details of technical projects. I do this with when we discuss the physics of building solar-powered planes and satellites to beam down internet access. I do this with Oculus when we get into the details of the controllers or the software we're designing. I do this with Messenger when we discuss our AI to answer any question you have. But it's a different kind of rewarding to build things yourself, so this year my personal challenge is to do that."

What becomes of Mark's AI plans is something we will have to wait and watch out for, but as for Free Basics, his fight still continues in India and the results are awaited soon. 

Adamya Sharma

Managing editor, - News Junkie, Movie Buff, Tech Whizz!

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