Imagine being added to a WhatsApp group out of the blue and, soon after, finding yourself stuck in a financial nightmare. This is exactly what happened to a man in Mangaluru, who ended up losing Rs 16.9 lakh after falling prey to a cunning scam. This case highlights how social media platforms can sometimes lead to costly consequences if one isn’t cautious.
The victim was added to a WhatsApp group by an unknown individual. This person lured him with promises of lucrative returns on share market investments. The fraudsters sent a link to the man, claiming it would help him invest in the share market. Trusting the link, he downloaded an app as instructed by the accused, reports TOI.
Over the period of time, the complainant transferred Rs 16.9 lakh to the bank accounts of the fraudsters. It was only when he tried to withdraw the money but failed that the alarm bells rang.
This shocking incident serves as a stark reminder about the risks of trusting unknown links and promises online. Scammers are experts at targeting unsuspecting individuals by exploiting trust and promises of financial returns.
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This case is a wake-up call for all internet users. Staying alert and cautious can go a long way in preventing financial scams.