LulzSec ends 50-day Anti-Security campaign; hopes to have inspired a revolution

Updated on 27-Jun-2011

LulzSec announced on Saturday that it would be ceasing activities, now that its “planned 50 day cruise” for the Lulz Boat is over. The “crew of six” hackers signed off in a dramatic as always fashion, just a few days after its latest hack – leaking Arizona’s law enforcement papers. Previous hacks have included everything from Sony Europe to the CIA’s homepage. The ‘hacktivist” group cheekily even opened up a request line for potential hack targets.


In the meanwhile, various authorities are still working to find the main players of the team, with last week’s arrest of 19 year-old Ryan Cleary supposedly uncovering some connections of the group. Rival hackers, as well as former group members from Anonymous, are supposedly also helping the authorities crack down. With all this and the sudden announcement, it is quite clear that LulzSec is feeling the heat, and has wisely decided to back off for now.

In its sign off, Lulz Security stated it hoped the AntiSec movement, or Operation Anti-Security, would continue without them, and that (also hopefully) it had inspired others enough to spark a “revolution.” Elsewhere, the group posted that it would be continuing AntiSec activities as individuals, or different groups.

Here are some choice extracts from the Lulz Boat’s bon voyage post, “50 Days of Lulz”:

We are Lulz Security, and this is our final release, as today marks something meaningful to us. 50 days ago, we set sail with our humble ship on an uneasy and brutal ocean: the Internet.

For the past 50 days we’ve been disrupting and exposing corporations, governments, often the general population itself, and quite possibly everything in between, just because we could. All to selflessly entertain others – vanity, fame, recognition, all of these things are shadowed by our desire for that which we all love. The raw, uninterrupted, chaotic thrill of entertainment and anarchy.

While we are responsible for everything that The Lulz Boat is, we are not tied to this identity permanently. Behind this jolly visage of rainbows and top hats, we are people.

Again, behind the mask, behind the insanity and mayhem, we truly believe in the AntiSec movement. We believe in it so strongly that we brought it back, much to the dismay of those looking for more anarchic lulz. We hope, wish, even beg, that the movement manifests itself into a revolution that can continue on without us. The support we’ve gathered for it in such a short space of time is truly overwhelming, and not to mention humbling. Please don’t stop. Together, united, we can stomp down our common oppressors and imbue ourselves with the power and freedom we deserve.

So with those last thoughts, it’s time to say bon voyage. Our planned 50 day cruise has expired, and we must now sail into the distance, leaving behind – we hope – inspiration, fear, denial, happiness, approval, disapproval, mockery, embarrassment, thoughtfulness, jealousy, hate, even love. If anything, we hope we had a microscopic impact on someone, somewhere. Anywhere.


The group’s logo

Abhinav Lal

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