Kinect for Windows sensor and SDK now available in India

Kinect for Windows sensor and SDK now available in India

Microsoft Corporation India has announced the availability of Kinect for Windows sensor and Software Development Kit (SDK) in India.

Surprisingly enough, the Kinect for Windows sensor has been priced at Rs. 19,990 – rather exorbitant when you consider the Kinect for Xbox sensor comes for Rs. 9,990, and the Xbox 360 4GB Kinect Bundle comes for Rs. 24,990.

Of course, Microsoft’s target audience is not the home user, or the gamer. In fact, there is no mass market Kinect-compatible content available for the PC. Kinect for Windows for now is meant just for developers and businesses looking to experiment with possible applications, which so far have been innovatively utilized by varied professionals, from artists to educators.

Commenting on the rollout of Kinect for Windows, Anshu Mor, Business Group Lead – Interactive Entertainment Business, Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd said:

“The incredible amount of innovation on Kinect for Xbox 360 this past year shows the potential for Kinect as a platform for developers and businesses to experiment, explore and create new offerings. Furthermore, this is just the beginning. This proliferation of great new content for Kinect, which we call the Kinect Effect, will expand even further with our commercial release of Kinect for Windows. We are excited around the new possibilities that Kinect will enable on the Windows platform, and the many different ways each Kinect for Windows based scenario could enrich lives and make using technology more natural for everyone.”

To check out some applications of Kinect, check out our previous coverage. To learn more about Kinect for Windows, visit Microsoft’s site. For information about resellers, check out this page.


Abhinav Lal

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