Japan developing ethical virus in war against cyber crime

Japan developing ethical virus in war against cyber crime

Fujitsu is developing a ‘seek and destroy’ virus for the Japanese government, one that it hopes will identify and combat cyber attacks. This brings new meaning to the phrase – the best defence is a good offence.

According to a report by Yomiuri Shimbun, countries such as the U.S. and China have already put similar countermeasures in place. Japan has faced a tough time in online security in the recent past, with numerous cyber attacks in 2011 that crippled everything from local government portals, to the parliament, and Japanese embassies and consulates across the world.

The three-year $2.3 million project is still ongoing, and for now, the virus is still in closed environment testing stages. Relevantly, the country would have to make amendments to its laws to allow for the manufacture of the ethical virus, with all virus development still an illegal activity.

Source: Tokyo Times


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