It’s the end of the world: Twitter brings LOLCATZ language to profiles

It’s the end of the world: Twitter brings LOLCATZ language to profiles

Choosing LOLCATZ as preferred language changes way Twitter sections are labelled and also drops IQ levels across the board.

In a sure-sign that human civilization has definitely peaked, Twitter has introduced LOLCATZ as language that you can select for your Twitter profile. The feature works in the same way as choosing Pirate as your language in Facebook, does, but whereas Pirates are cool (making even Michael Bolton suck less), LOLCATZ “speak” feels like figurative nails dragging down a chalkboard.

However, this is only the author’s opinion, and if you happen to love writing “English” “sentences” like “O HAI!” “KTHNXBAI!”, then delve into the Language section of your Twitter settings, or just click on this link. There you can change your preferred language to LOLCATZ. Twitter has labelled the language setting as Beta, although that makes absolutely no sense, because something that exists to be broken (like LOLCATZ speak) will always be in “Beta”, won’t it? 

Keep in mind that this will only change the way Twitter appears to you, and grotesquely mutate the way sections on the site are labelled (“Who to follow” becomes “HOO 2 FOLLOW”, “Direct Messages” becomes “DIRECT MESSUJS. KTHNXBYE!,” you get the idea). It won’t, however, directly translate your tweets into LOLCATZ speak.

And for that, we’re eternally grateful.

Source: The Next Web
Image Source: Maximum PC

Nikhil Pradhan

Nikhil Pradhan View Full Profile