Internet Explorer usage hits all time low

Internet Explorer usage hits all time low

Latest Browser Usage Statistics

The latest stats from NetApplications show some very interesting figures of browser market shares between the months of March and April. Most importantly, the fact that the world’s most popular browser Internet Explorer has fallen from its lofty perch to hit an all-time low of 59.95% in total market share by dropping 0.7%.
WorldWide Browser Market Share

In the same period, Firefox’s share increased 0.07 % to 24.59 %, Chrome’s share increased 0.60 % to 6.73%, Safari’s share gained 0.07 % to 4.72 %, and Opera’s share dropped 0.07 % to 2.37 %. Also check out the below table showing the usage statistics of the various versions of Internet Explorer, where you will find a shockingly high percentage of people still using the dated v6.0.

Internet Explorer Version Usage

Graph courtesy: Ars Technica
Data courtesy: NetApplications


Abhinav Lal

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