Huawei has officially introduced the Watch GT5 Pro in the Indian market. The premium smartwatch comes in two variants including the Titanium Edition and Black Edition. Both the variants are now available on popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart with slew of features, Pro Level Sports mode, ECG monitoring and GPS along with a 14-day battery life. Here’s everything you need to know about the Watch GT 5 Pro price, specifications and features.
The customers can get the Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro sports edition at Rs 29,999 while the Titanium edition will cost Rs 39,999. The watch comes with a blend of features and premium design. Here is everything about the specifications and features of Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro.
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The Watch GT5 Pro comes with a 1.43-inch AMOLED display. The smartwatch also gets Always on Display mode. It comes packed with Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity and can be an ideal choice for both Android and iOS users. It also comes with 11 new watch face themes and 100+ sports mode including pro-level sports tracking – Golf, Diving, and Trail running. The smartwatch can also help you in tracking your heart rate, temperature and has a barometer sensor, ECG sensor, and more. The smartwatch offers up to 14 days of battery life.
The watch features ultra-hard coatings and a nano-film waterproof finish, making it resistant to wear, water, and corrosion. Its IP69K rating ensures durability even in extreme conditions, making it ideal for outdoor activities or intense workouts. It also has Bluetooth calling and text reply functions, so users can stay connected without having to pull out their phones. Another unique feature is the emotional wellness assistant, which assists users in managing stress and monitoring their mood for a more comprehensive approach to mental and emotional well-being.