Google’s assistant can now respond to more complex queries

Google’s assistant can now respond to more complex queries

Google Search has been updated to answer more complex questions, and can now understand user queries with more accuracy

Google has just announced in its blog that it is making Google Search much easier to use, and it can now recognise phrases. You can now ask complex questions on Google Search, and chances are that you will get your answer. To put things in perspective, Google Search could previously answer questions like, “What is the capital of India?” Now, it can answer questions like, “What was the population of India at the time of Independence?”

Google has been constantly updating and refining its search, but this latest update will close the gap between what a machine can understand, and what it cannot. Google has managed to integrate a smart parsing system, which can parse various aspects of a complex set of questions, understand it, and give results to your query. So, if you try to ask “Who is the tallest cricketer in the World?”, you will prompted by the following answer.

“We can now break down a query to understand the semantics of each piece, so now we can get at the intent behind the entire question. That lets us traverse the Knowledge Graph much more reliably to find the right facts and compose a useful answer. And we can build on this base to answer harder questions,” said Satyajeet Salgar, Product Manager, Google Search, in the official blog post.

Google Search can now handle superlatives such as “tallest”, “biggest”, etc., as well as "ordered items". It can also search time-centric queries, such as “What songs did Taylor Swift record in 2014?” But, when it comes to complex questions, the service gives hit and miss results, as it is still not perfect. “We’re still growing and learning, which means we make mistakes”, said Mr. Salgar, on the blog.

This latest update is able to do all of this because of Knowledge graphs, which were introduced by Google in 2012. Because of these, Google is able to integrate search results with countries, individual brands and public figures. Needless to say, Google will be learning more from user queries as time moves forward, and will be able to provide better results in years to come.

The improved caabilities of Google Search is available via web, and Android & iOS, via corresponding apps.

Hardik Singh

Hardik Singh

Light at the top, this odd looking creature lives under the heavy medication of video games. View Full Profile