Google to launch Drive cloud storage service soon

Google to launch Drive cloud storage service soon

Google is looking to launch its own cloud storage service in the near future, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. The new cloud service will apparently be called Google Drive, and will be geared towards easy access across multiple types of portable and desktop devices.

Google Drive,  taking on Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Apple iCloud, will reportedly allow storage of photos, documents and videos, and access via any Web-connected device. Sharing files will also easy, with users able to pass on a link to the file via email. Drive is expected to be a free service, with paid premium benefits like larger storage.

The idea of a Google cloud storage service has apparently been in the works for years, with a project internally known as G Drive doing the rounds in 2007. Since that time, a lot of services have been catering to the rapidly growing demand for cloud storage, and Google is definitely a big player missing from the market.

Google apparently hopes to compete with DropBox and other mobile-accessible cloud storage services, by offering much cheaper paid storage, leveraging its massive server farms. Integration with Google Docs is of course, expected.

Source: WSJ

Abhinav Lal

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