Google Search will now directly show popular song lyrics

Google and LyricFind have partnered to display song lyrics in Search results and in the Play Music app. As per the deal, lyrics from over 4,000 publishers will now be available to users via both the services. LyricFind CEO, Darryl Ballantyne stated, “We’re happy to expand the depth and quality of lyrics available on Google’s services. We’re working together to make lyrics available to a larger audience in a faster and more efficient way.”
The company adds that its partnership with Google will help strengthen its mission of creating a legal and global lyric infrastructure of multiple platforms. LyricFind collects new royalties for songwriters and rights holders, and says that it “benefits music fans who engage more easily than ever with lyrics that inspire them.”
Now, when users search for the lyrics of a particular song, it will be displayed on a separate card. However, the complete lyrics will not be displayed,. Rather, users will have to click on a link at the bottom, which will redirect them to Google Play Music. There, users will get the entire lyrics, along with an option of purchasing the song.