Google rumoured to unveil its first Daydream VR Headset today for $79

Google rumoured to unveil its first Daydream VR Headset today for $79

Oct 4 Google event might see the launch of Daydream VR headset alongside Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones

Announced during the Google I/O developer conference in May, Daydream is a VR headset which is touted to work with the new Google smartphones to be launched today. Daydream is basically the Android OS experienced in virtual reality. And it’s rumoured to be priced at $79 which is a lot lesser than competing HMDs like the Samsung Gear VR and the LG 360 VR

Daydream reference design. Source: Google

Google’s Daydream VR points to the use of a simplified UI in conjunction with a controller so developers and users can expect a seamless transition from the stock Android UI to what’s expected in the Daydream VR headset. Unlike other competing headsets, Daydream VR will allow Android developers to obtain low level API access which enabled much higher and sustained performance. Google’s own developer overview states that these Daydream ready headsets are designed for high-quality VR experiences. The very use of the term Daydream ready indicated that we will be seeing a lot more manufacturers coming out with their own Daydream VR headsets.

Caption – Daydream announcement at Google I/O 2016. Source: Google

The Daydream Controller

Created with mobile VR in mind, the Daydream controller is said to be designed to be accessible and expressive i.e. the controller can track its own orientation and rotation in 3D space with high accuracy. The controller is said to include a touchpad and two buttons – APP and HOME. The APP button is for apps and the HOME button is akin to its namesake button on Android phones. The touchpad itself acts as a button too.

Caption – Top – Touchpad, middle – APP button, bottom – HOME button.  Source: Google

Mithun Mohandas

Mithun Mohandas

Mithun Mohandas is an Indian technology journalist with 10 years of experience covering consumer technology. He is currently employed at Digit in the capacity of a Managing Editor. Mithun has a background in Computer Engineering and was an active member of the IEEE during his college days. He has a penchant for digging deep into unravelling what makes a device tick. If there's a transistor in it, Mithun's probably going to rip it apart till he finds it. At Digit, he covers processors, graphics cards, storage media, displays and networking devices aside from anything developer related. As an avid PC gamer, he prefers RTS and FPS titles, and can be quite competitive in a race to the finish line. He only gets consoles for the exclusives. He can be seen playing Valorant, World of Tanks, HITMAN and the occasional Age of Empires or being the voice behind hundreds of Digit videos. View Full Profile