Google officially announces multiple sign-in feature for Gmail

Updated on 06-Aug-2010

Google has now officially announced a new feature for its Gmail users, which will allow them to switch between multiple Gmail accounts without ever needing to log out. Google calls the feature Multiple Sign-In, and you can activate it by visiting

How does it work? After you have signed into Gmail with one user account, you can then sign in to a maximum of two other Gmail accounts from the new accounts menu, and once you have done so, can switch between them easily. In case you are wondering if you can access separate accounts in separate tabs, there’s good news: you can…one for each account.

The Multiple Sign-In facility supposedly also works on most of Google’s services, at least those that require a Google user account, such as Google Calendar, Reader, Sites, Voice, App Engine, and Code. Let us know what you think of the new feature in the comments section…will it be a big boon for you, or does it make no difference at all?

Abhinav Lal

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