Google is reportedly developing a virtual reality headset that will not rely on a smartphone or a computer to operate, according to The Wall Street Journal. The new device will apparently feature a screen, high-power processors and outward-facing cameras. The chips will apparently be provided by a startup firm, Movidius Inc., and will gauge the movement of a user’s head. This will go against the traditional build of a VR headset till now, featuring cameras to sense head movement.
The report comes a month after Google appointed Clay Bavor as its first virtual-reality head. VR is a steadily-growing field, courting attention from numerous technology giants like Samsung, Sony, Microsoft and Facebook, all of whom have come up with working models of VR headsets. Concrete details about this standalone VR headset by Google are yet to be made clear. While some have hinted that the device will be launched this year itself, others have pointed out that the project is still in its early stages, and may not be made commercially available any time in the near future. If it is indeed launched this year, we may expect to see it during Google’s annual May conference.
Additionally, Google may also fork out an optimised version of Android OS for the headset, to ensure that it remains compatible with most Android smartphones. Earlier reports have also suggested that a more advanced version of Google’s Cardboard may be introduced this year. This version will incorporate more cameras and sensors, and be priced around $20. As we await concrete word from the company itself, Google’s primary rivals in the field of technology also seem to be on the move. With steady news of recruits, acquisitions and patents coming in, Apple seems to be making a move on VR, itself.