Google has come up with a game that puts your general awareness of what went down in 2018 to the test. Cleverly called Game of the Year, the game is a challenging way of reminding players what happened over the past one year.
The game tests your knowledge of Google Search trends of 2018, and you might end up spending quite some time playing it. The questions in the beginning might seem easy but get quite difficult towards the end. For instance, we got questions like “Which cryptocurrency was searched more this year?” which was fairly easy to answer. But then we also got questions like “Which flavour Oreo was searched more in 2018?” which was honestly quite bamboozling to answer.
Nevertheless, the game also mixes up the questions with bonus rounds where you swipe left or right on cards to answer whether something trended. As the game progresses, you will also get more chances to get answers right before it’s game over. Your options also increase from two to three and sometimes four, later in the game.
The Game of Year is another instance of Google gamifying information it offered throughout the year. During Halloween, Google came up with an addictive multiplayer game that kept users hooked for long. The Search giant also regularly comes up with innvoative and quirky doodles to celebrate important landmarks of history. All of them are well thought out and meant to keep you glued to the game for a long time. The Game of the Year is another way of gamifying all that we searched throughout the year, and perhaps a good way to remember what happened this year later in 2019.
Related Links:
How to play Google's first multiplayer, interactive Halloween 2018 Doodle game