Google Family Link now shows parents when their kids leave school premises: Here’s how that works

Updated on 20-Oct-2022

Google has announced new updates to Family Link, which offer a range of options and help keep families safer online.

The new updates have already been rolled out and will be completed over the next few weeks.

In a new update to the "Location tab", parents can see all of their children on the same map with their device location. Also, parents can turn on notifications to be alerted when their child arrives at or leaves a specific destination like school or soccer practice, the company said in a blogpost.

Moreover, the "Highlights tab" will allow the parents to track the usage of their child's device by showing a snapshot of their child's app usage, screen time and recently installed apps.

"We're also adding resources from trusted partners like Common Sense Media, ConnectSafely and the Family Online Safety Institute to help parents navigate conversations around online safety at home," the company added.

For parents and children, Family Link will also be available on the web. With this, parents will be able to access online features even when they are away from their phones or don't have the app.

For children, the Family Link web experience will help them better understand their parental control settings.

Additionally, the "Controls tab" enables parents to monitor children with the ability to set screen time limits for individual devices or specific apps, as well as set content restrictions.

(Except for the headline and cover image, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)

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