Google Enterprise slashes cloud storage prices again

Google Enterprise slashes cloud storage prices again

Google Enterprise has announced that it is slashing the price of various cloud storage plans by 10%. This announcement comes just days after a 20% cut, and a day after Amazon had responded by slashing its own pricing structure. The total value of the slash will be 30%, Google announced in a blog post.

Just yesterday, Amazon had announced that it is slashing prices of Amazon S3 by around 27%. The pricing change takes effect on December 1, 2012.

Google Cloud Storage‘s latest price is 8.5 cents per gigabyte per month up to the first terabyte. The new Durable Reduced Availability Storage (DRA) service for the less frequently accessed data also gets a differential pricing structure, and a price drop from 7 cents to 6.3 cents per gigabyte. Here is the new tariff structure to make understanding the new prices slightly simpler.

And, here is the pricing structure of the Amazon S3 service, which forced Google to respond.

Developers, in seamless integration, can use Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage with cloud infrastructure services like Google App Engine and the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

Google and Amazon see cloud storage as a major opportunity to earn some big money. Enterprises are being particularly targeted with this feature – the ability to add storage when you may be running low on your physical sources, and not worry about buying and maintaining hardware.

Source: Google Enterprise

Vishal Mathur

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