Google Earth comes to Chrome with 3D support

Updated on 18-Apr-2017

Google Earth bids adieu to desktop software and can now be accessed directly from Chrome

Google Earth is now available directly in Chrome. Google has unveiled a revamped version of Google Earth that does away with the need for a dedicated software. The redesigned version also brings new features like integration with Google's Knowledge Graph and new ways of storytelling.

Now everytime a user searches for any location in Google Earth, the Knowledge Graph will pull up more details about that place in the form of Google Now cards. Voyager – a new feature introduced today offer interactive guided tours created by 'leading storytellers, scientists and nonprofits'. Google has tied up with BBC and Sesame Street for its interactive guided tours. One of Google Earth's Voyager story is called "This is Home" that showcases traditional houses around the world like Peruvian chuclla, a Bedouin tent and a Greenlandic IIoq. There is also a now common "I'm feeling lucky" button that directs users to a random location.

The revamped Google Earth is really cool but its most important update is the new 3D mapping feature. Google Earth now has a 3D button that allows users to see any place from any angle. "When you find a view that leaves you breathless or inspires a fond memory, share a Postcard of your exact view with your friends and family. They can click the link to jump right to where you were (virtually) standing," Google details in a blog post.

The new Google Earth is now available on the web in Chrome and will start rolling out for Android users this week. It is also headed to iOS and other browsers in the near future. The revamped version is also available from Google Earth version 7 for desktop.

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