Google brings Android UI to the Play Store on the web

Updated on 16-Jul-2013

It is an attempt at unifying interfaces, but the idea seems to be to bring greater variety of content on the home page.

If you happened to check out Google Play on the web today, you would have noticed that it looks awfully lot like how it does on your Android smartphone and tablet. Google has extended the smartphone and tablet Play Store interface to the web browser version as well, accessible from any desktop.

The idea is clearly to let the customer know that there is a variety of content on offer, and make it easier to find that content.

Google made this announcement with a simple post on Google , accompanied by an image of the redesigned store front. “The redesigned Google Play store on #Android devices is now on the web: Play like never before with our fresh new look.”

We feel that the change is for the better, because this highlights the non-app stuff more than the previous design – Movies and Books. The homepage is a lot cleaner, with bigger images and text to go along with it. Yes, it does mean that the page becomes longer, but the focus is now primarily on content, with no distractions. Books and Movies now get a bigger mention on the first page itself, accompanied by big posters, to draw your attention. 

The old and the new: The left image is of the Google Play Store before the redesign. The image on the right, with the new UI. 

The main navigation menu, listing the categories, now sits vertically on the left corner, not taking up too much space. At the moment, there is a banner at the top informing visitors that “We’ve changed a few things”, but we assume this will soon highlights apps and other content.

Did you check out the new Google Play web-store interface? If yes, we would like to hear your opinion regarding the same. You can get in touch with the author on Twitter @

Google Play Store on the web: Click here 

Vishal Mathur

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