If you are a gadget freak, you have probably already set www. as your homepage. For the rest of us-those with the normal level of lust for all things geeky-here’s a look at how one site can keep you updated with the latest in the personalised technology world!

After you enter the address into your browser, be prepared for a little wait. The home page is a little heavy with images, but it’s worth the wait. Everything from the latest gadgets to an exclusive “never-before” Bill Gates interview with a Weblog, it’s all here.

The beauty of the reviews is that the authors all seem to have a decent sense of humour. If you have even the slightest interest in technology, you will never yawn even once when at this site-something that’s rare amongst the drab cacophony of the Web.

On the right of the page, you will see a navigation panel that has categories such as Cellphones, Digital Cameras, Gadgets, and so on. This will help you jump straight to the category that sets you drooling.

Not only do you get to view product reviews, which of course is the sites main purpose, but you also get to read news of the latest happenings in the gadget world.

If there’s a sneak-peek or news about a new gadget, this is the place to look

Though it takes a while to load on a dial-up, is worth the wait

If there’s a sneak-peek to be had of a gadget, this is where you’ll hear about it.

One thing you have to check out is the “Deals” link, http://www. Here, Gizmodo gives you news of the latest offers being made on sites across the world. Though this is mostly US-centric, most of us will not have a problem-everyone has an aunt, uncle, cousin, aunt’s uncle’s cousin, etc, in the US, who can bring it with them when they come down. At last visit, there were offers of a free N-Gage QD, $100 (Rs 4,350) discount on U2 iPods, a steal of a deal for Podwave speakers for your iPod, and more.

Of course every gadget is only as good as the software that powers it! So, Gizmodo provides you with a software section for the latest and greatest software applications and operating systems for your toys. Just log on to the Software section ( to find out why the experts believe that Google is going to launch VoIP services, or just to read about the 10 most bizarre applications ever developed for the Palm OS.

The latest and news and reviews of the software that power your gadgets

All in all, Gizmodo offers you great in-depth knowledge of the latest hardware and software-you will not feel clueless the next time your buddies have a three hour conversation on the pros and cons of the specifications of the upcoming HP HW6500 iPaq Mobile Messenger.

Of course, you could just sign up for a newsletter, courtesy Wired magazine’s GadgetLab, but the site is a better experience.

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