Finland becomes first country to make 1Mbps broadband access a legal right

Updated on 15-Oct-2009
If there was any further proof needed of how much the Internet is affecting human lives and can help enrich it, just look towards Finland. The country has become the first in the world to make broadband Internet access a human right, making us consider whether we should move there or not.
According to Finnish news agency YLE, the Ministry of Transport and Communications has stated that starting next July, every person in Finland will have the right to a one-megabit broadband connection. That’s right, 1Mbps. And here in India, we start jumping around when the same is offered for upwards of Rs. 1,500.
The biggest kicker, though, is that in another six years, the Finnish government wants to make 100Mbps speeds the mandatory minimum for all its 5.5 million citizens. Granted, that’s a small population, but it still throws a poor light on almost all other governments across the world.
And yes, some variations of the above will be allowed if connectivity can be managed on mobile phone networks.
It’s unfair to compare India to Finland, given the gross discrepancies, but doesn’t this make your blood boil? There’s hardly any broadband penetration in India, Internet speeds are a joke and let’s not even get started on 3G.

Never thought I’d envy Kimi Raikkonen for something apart from money, women or getting to drive a Ferrari…

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