Facebook reported to be in talks to acquire Opera

Facebook reported to be in talks to acquire Opera

Facebook is reportedly in talks to buy Opera Software, a Norway-based firm best known for its desktop and mobile browsers.

Share prices of Opera rose nearly 20% amidst Facebook acquisition speculation, with rumours indicating a buyout price of $1bn, certainly a value easier to swallow than the controversial $1bn acquistion of Instagram.

Earlier this week, Facebook was reported to be snapping up Apple iPhone and iPad engineers, in an effort to develop its own mobile device – these latest Opera acquisition rumours tie up with the same aim.

Facebook’s recent IPO has been called the worst in a decade, with share prices falling steadily after flotation, further increasing pressure on the social network to perform.

With Opera in its pockets, Facebook could very well strengthen its position, and be in the driver’s seat, stabilizing its shaky future. Apart from making the social network’s mobile experience more comprehensive, it could help Facebook with advertisements and monetization on the platform, and even woo mobile game developers.

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