Facebook refreshes News Feed design; focus on minimalism & bigger photos

Updated on 08-Mar-2013

Facebook hopes that the refreshed design will prevent user fatigue, and also attract new advertisers to the network. The update will be rolled out for all users in the coming weeks.

Facebook has unveiled a new design for the News Feed, with the focus being on minimalism in design, and greater visibility for shared media – photos and videos. The new design is being rolled out for the desktop version, as well as the mobile version. The company wants a uniform look of the network, no matter what the device or the platform.

The News Feed, which provides a running list of updates from a user’s network, will serve as a “personalized newspaper” for Facebook’s 1 billion users, chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said, at the event, held at Facebook’s headquarters in California. He mentioned that this is another step in the “evolving face” of the social network. He said that he wants Facebook to be “the best personalized newspaper in the world.”

The introduction of the topic specific news feed would enable users to have a better tap on the info they are looking for, but equally, the advertisers would have a more precise platform to target. Besides renewing user interest in the social network, something that was waning off late, the refresh is also giving prime real estate space to advertisers on the users’ news feed.

The new design will be rolled out to all users in the coming weeks, across all platforms. In the last quarter of 2012, Facebook’s daily active users on a mobile device had outnumbered its desktop users, for the first time in the social network’s history.

If you are one of the lucky ones to have already seen the redesigned news feed, we would like to hear from you – like it, love it, want the old one back? Also, if you are one of the impatient ones, you may want to get on the waiting list, to get the refresh earlier than the lesser mortals. Check the source link below for that:

Source: Facebook

Vishal Mathur


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