Facebook for Business online guide released

Facebook for Business online guide released

To help small businesses better use the full potential of Facebook, the social networking giant has launched an online Facebook for Business guide. The service can be found at Facebook.com/business.


Facebook is calling it an “online education center,” where entrepreneurs can learn everything from profile creation, targeting advertisements and promotions, to customer interaction. Facebook’s renewed emphasis on enterprise use of its platform is for now limited to just the new guide, but in the recent past, Facebook Credits was launched as a universal virtual currency, and hopefully, the company will bring other momentous changes soon.

Interestingly, the move comes a few days after Google decided to stop allowing company profiles on its up and coming Google social networking site, something that has caused quite a stir.

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal

https://plus.google.com/u/0/118371002657670425415/posts View Full Profile
