Facebook adds slew of privacy options, allows Universal Tagging

Facebook adds slew of privacy options, allows Universal Tagging

Facebook has made several changes to its privacy options, all of which are scheduled to roll out globally on the 25th of August. While Facebook insists the old controls were just as transparent and easy to use, the evident aim of the revamp was to make the options more immediately apparent to the user, and not have them buried in some obscure location.

The biggest change is probably the new inline sharing options provided each time a user uploads an item of content, and for all the content on a user’s wall. This includes status updates. Users will also be able to select a particular sharing settings as default, allowing for ease-of-repeated-use.


Tagging approval has also been added, giving users the option to approve a tagging before it appears on their profile. Users can also de-tag themselves from an object, by sending a de-tag request, blocking the offending user from further tagging, or directly removing the tag.

Also part of the update is the universal tagging, allowing users to tag anyone on Facebook, not just their friends on Facebook – making it easy to imagine why the de-tagging and tagging approval feature finally got implemented.

Location tagging has also been added across versions of Facebook, not just mobile ones. Last but not least is the profile view feature, enabling users to easily see how others view their profile, with a button near News Feed.

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal

https://plus.google.com/u/0/118371002657670425415/posts View Full Profile
