Delhi Traffic Police gets technical! Launches traffic updates and forums on Twitter and Facebook

Updated on 19-May-2010

In preparation for the upcoming Commonwealth Games, Delhi Traffic Police has started to offer the latest traffic updates on the world’s most popular social networking sites, Twitter and Facebook. Twitter gives you the updates, while Facebook lets you share and discuss your views. You can check out the Facebook page here, and the Twitter feed here.

The service has already received an amazing response, and Satyendra Garg, Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) has this to say about it:

“Through Facebook, we provide information about new plans, initiatives and challenges, and also make the users aware about the traffic situation in the city. Besides, we seek suggestions, reactions and views from responsible citizens of Delhi.”

“Through Twitter, we update them about events, processions, rallies, road congestion, accidents etc. The management of traffic in Delhi during the forthcoming Commonwealth Games is a big challenge as well as a great opportunity.”

“We cannot succeed without the active participation and co-operation of all road users in Delhi. We have created these e-platforms in a bid to ensure better traffic management during the Games. However, we will continue the e-service even after the games,”

The Delhi Traffic Police’s attempt to interact with the common populace doesn’t just end in the sphere of social networking, but will soon extend to radio and print media.


Abhinav Lal

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