Delhi Chief Minister Atishi recently gained attention after a video of her mistaking Satya Nadella for Google CEO Sundar Pichai went viral. The slip happened during her speech at an education award ceremony at Delhi’s Thyagraj Stadium, where she was discussing Indians’ global business achievements. During the event, 207 Class 10 and Class 12 students from government and private schools in the NCR were recognized for their outstanding academic achievements.
During her speech praising the global influence of Indian-origin leaders, Atishi stated, “The biggest global companies whose products we use in our daily lives be it through our phones and apps… Even Google CEO Satya Nadella is of Indian origin.” However, she correctly herself later in the event but the moment captured on the camera was quickly floated all over the internet.
The speech mentioned the accomplishments of notable Indian business leaders such as Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and former Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, as well as World Bank President Ajay Banga, praising them for their success and contributions to various industries.
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The video quickly went viral on social media platform X, and netizens were seen trolling the Delhi Chief Minister over her remarks. In addition, opposition party leaders intervened and responded to Atishi’s remark. Users shared videos, memes, and trolls on the internet, and here are some of the best ones.
“Atishi claims that Satya Nadella is the CEO of Google! Even when reading from her speech, she gets a basic fact wrong,” a BJP leader wrote in his post. “Delhi CM Atishi Marlena appointed Satya Nadella as Google’s CEO, replacing Sunder Pichai,” posted another user.
Here are a few of the posts and memes: